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Society Registration (Rajasthan)

  • Fill this form for registration of Co-operative Society under the Rajasthan Co-operative Societies Act.
  • It takes less than a week for Society Registration
  • Guaranteed Satisfaction and Lowest Fees Across India

Required Documents

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Application form in prescribed format

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Self attested copies of Byelaws and objects of the society

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Details of members of society such as name, fathers’ name, address and occupation ( Driving License/Voter ID/Passport)

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Self attested copies of address and ID proofs of the office bearers (Aadhar/Driving License/Passport/Voter ID)

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Aadhar of all promoting members of society (for OTP verification)

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Affidavits of office bearers namely President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer with photo attested by Notary Public

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Address proof of society:- Rent Deed if rented otherwise NOC from Owner

What we will deliver

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Society Registration Certificate

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Drafting MOA & Byelaws

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Execution of Affidavits

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Drafting NOC from owner (if required)

Required Documents

Application form in prescribed format

Self attested copies of Byelaws and objects of the society

Details of members of society such as name, fathers’ name, address and occupation ( Driving License/Voter ID/Passport)

Self attested copies of address and ID proofs of the office bearers (Aadhar/Driving License/Passport/Voter ID)

Aadhar of all promoting members of society (for OTP verification)

Affidavits of office bearers namely President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer with photo attested by Notary Public

Address proof of society:- Rent Deed if rented otherwise NOC from Owner

Step by Step Procedure of Society Registration (Rajasthan)


Select a suitable name for society (Name should be such which is not prohibited- Please see FAQs)


Draft List of members of society with their complete name and address


Draft Memorandum (Rules & Byelaws) of Society


Go to Rajasthan SSO Portal and register as a new user


Choose Society Registration option from the menu and provide all mandatory details for registration such as member details, objects of society etc.


Click on Save button and upload all supporting documents


Make payment of applicable fees and click ‘submit’


Application is forwarded to concerned Registrar online for approval


Track the status of application on the basis of application number


After approval, the applicant can obtain registration documents from the portal

What we will deliver

Society Registration Certificate

Drafting MOA & Byelaws

Execution of Affidavits

Drafting NOC from owner (if required)

Frequently Asked Question

Is there a limit of maximum number of members for a society?

Minimum 7 members who are above 18 years of age are required to form a society. There is no limit on maximum number of members.

What are the guidelines for selection of a suitable name for the society?

While selecting a suitable name for society, it is to be kept in mind that the name identical or similar to an existing society will not be allowed. Further, the proposed name should not be such that suggest patronage of state or central government or fascinate the provisions of Emblem & Names Act, 1950.

Can members of a society claim share in the profits of society?

A society is formed for promotion of social objectives and there is no intention to earn profits. If there is any surplus, such surplus is intended to be utilized for social objects of the society. As such, members of society are not entitled to claim profits of the society.

What is the process of registration of society in Rajasthan?

The Government of Rajasthan has facilitated the registration of society through e-mitra which has made it very simple to get a society registered. Application through e-mitra can be made in offline mode or online mode. We have already discussed online mode of registration through SSO portal above.

Procedure of registration through offline mode is as below:-

  • Approach to the nearest e-mitra centre in your area
  • Apply for registration through e-mitra centre by submitting all supporting documents to the e-Mitra operator in personal. E-mitra centre will upload your documents on payment of prescribed fees
  • E-mitra centre will issue receipt containing application number and such application number will also be sent to registered mobile number and email id.
  • Concerned authority i.e. Registrar, will process the application and on successful verification, issue registration certificate
  • On approval, the applicant will receive an SMS on their mobile number
  • Visit E-mitra centre again, provide application number to E-mitra operator, who will give you a print copy of MOA and Byelaws.

What is MOA and Bye laws of society?

Memorandum of Association (MOA) of the society contains the name of the society, aims and objects for which society is formed, details of members of society with their names and addresses.

Bye laws of society provide rules and regulations as to day to day affairs of the society. It may contain provisions in respect of the following matters:

  • Information as to detailed activities of the society
  • Society membership details including manner of admission of new member, eligibility, admission fees or entrance fees, withdrawal and termination of membership
  • Manner in which meetings will be held, prescribed quorum, manner of selection of presiding officer of meetings, his rights and responsibilities
  • Manner in which Governing body will be elected and their rights and responsibilities
  • Manner in which funds raised by society shall be utilized and prescribing authorities for expanding such funds
  • Information on office bearers and their appointment, removal and election
  • Internal matters such as settlement of disputes
  • Manner of dissolution of society
  • Manner in which assets of the society shall be utilized in the normal course of activities and in case of dissolution
  • Irrevocability clause

Memorandum and Byelaws shall be signed by all the promoting members and should be duly witnessed by atleast 2 witnesses and notarized by notary public.

Can Memorandum of Association of society be revised?

Yes, memorandum and byelaws of society can be amended by calling extra ordinary meeting of General body of society after giving due notice. Such amended MOA and byelaws shall be filed with Registrar within 1 month.

What are the rights available to the members of the society?

Following rights are available to the members of the society:

  • They are entitled to vote
  • They have the right to receive the notices of every meeting
  • They have the right to receive a copy of bye-laws
  • They have the right to receive financial statements
  • They have the right to attend general meetings of societies

What are the annual compliances to be made by society?

  • The society shall hold meeting of executive committee at least once in every 3 months
  • Any amendments to MOA/byelaws to be recorded with Registrar of Societies
  • The society shall present a list of name and address of each members of Managing Committee 

Can any person other than a member of society review records of the society?

Yes, records of a society are regarded as public documents. As such, any person can get a duplicate copy of the same.