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Today is Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
+91 98103 54277

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+91 98103 54277

Annual Filing Of One Person Co.

  • For filling an annual return, get started by filling this form.
  • 100% Fast and Secure Online Process
  • CA Accredited Guidance At Every Process

What we will deliver

gainme services

Filing of MGT-7

gainme services

Filing of AOC-4

gainme services

Filing of ADT-1 (if needed)

gainme services

Filing of Income Tax Return

What we will deliver

Filing of MGT-7

Filing of AOC-4

Filing of ADT-1 (if needed)

Filing of Income Tax Return

Frequently Asked Question

What are the compliances to be made by the OPC for appointment of auditor?

An OPC is required to appoint the First Auditor of the company within 30 days of its incorporation. Form ADT-1 is required to be filed for such appointment with the ROC. However, OPC are exempt from the provisions of rotation of auditor. But if the auditor resigns, the OPC shall be required to appoint other auditor and file Form ADT-1

What are the compliances to be made in respect of directors of OPC every year?

  • Filing of DIR-3 KYC: - Any person who has been allotted DIN before the end of financial year, would be required to file DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of next financial year once only
    • However, where DIR-3 KYC already filed, it is not required to resubmit it every year unless any details are to be updated in KYC already filed
  • Filing of DIR-3 Web KYC: - For those directors who have already submitted DIR-3 KYC anytime before, they need to submit DIR-3 WEB KYC every year before 30th September
    Failure to file DIR-3 KYC or DIR-3 Web KYC will result into a late fees of Rs. 5000
  • Filing of MBP-1: Every director of the company in the First Board Meeting of the BOD every year shall disclose his interest in other entities. Form MBP-1 shall be filed to ROC in this regard

What are the deadlines for filing of Annual Return in case of OPC?

An OPC is required to file its annual return for the period ending on 31st March within 60 days of completion of AGM. In this regard, Form MGT-7 is to be filed with ROC every year.
If the AGM does not take place, annual return in Form MGT-7 shall be filed within 60 days of the date on which AGM should have taken place. It is to be noted that AGM of a company can take place till 30th September so last date of filing MGT-7 for an OPC shall be 29th November where AGM has not taken place. Form MGT-7 shall be signed by CS or director of the company (in case there is no CS)

What are the deadlines for filing of annual financial statements of an OPC with ROC?

An OPC is required to file the annual accounts and necessary attachments to ROC in Form AOC-4 within prescribed time limit. As per Company Act, 2012, Every OPC shall file a copy of financial statements duly adopted by its members, along with necessary documents within 180 days from the closure of the financial year. It means that last date of filing AOC-4 for OPC is 27th September every year

Following shall be attached with AOC-4:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Statement of Profit & Loss
  • Directors’ Report signed by director
  • Auditors’ Report and Notice of AGM

Under Section- 137(1) of Companies Act, 2013, it is mandatory for the company to adopt its financial statements in a board meeting and signed by directors

Is submission of Cash Flow Statement is required in case of an OPC?

An OPC has been allowed to file Form AOC-4 without attaching cash flow statement. It means that an OPC is not required to prepare cash flow statement as a part of compliance

How many meetings are to be conducted by an OPC every year?

  • OPC should conduct at least 1 board meeting in each half of the calendar year and the gap between these 2 meetings should not be less than 90 days
  • Provisions relating to quorum for board meetings shall not apply to an OPC where there is only 1 director in its BOD
  • Where there is only 1 director, it is sufficient compliance that resolution is passed by 1 director and entered in the minute books. The signed and dated resolution so passed by director of an OPC is taken to be the meeting of the BOD for all the purposes of Companies Act also
  • Further, an OPC is not required to hold an AGM

What are the compliances to be made by an OPC under Income Tax Act?

  • OPC is required to file income tax return in Form ITR-6 every year on or before 30th September
  • If accounts are audited u/s 44AB of the Act, a tax audit report is also required to be furnished in Form-3CA&3CD. Audit u/s 44AB is required where turnover exceeds Rs. 1 crore

Documents Required for MGT-7:

Documents Required for MGT-7:

  • CIN
  • PAN
  • List of main activities
  • Details of shares and shareholding
  • List of debentures and loans
  • Details of other securities held by company

Documents required for AOC-4:

  • Balance Sheet along with Statement of P&L
  • Directors’ Report
  • Auditors’ Report
  • Notice of AGM