Lower Tax Deduction Certificate for NRIs

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) often find themselves subject to tax deductions in India, especially when they have income sources in the country. However, the Indian government has provisions to lower the tax deduction rate for NRIs by obtaining a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate (TDC). This certificate allows NRIs to reduce the tax burden on their Indian income. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to obtain a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate as an NRI.

Step 1: Determine Eligibility

Before applying for a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate, it’s essential to ensure that you are eligible. Typically, NRIs who have income sources in India, such as rental income, interest income, or capital gains, are eligible to apply for a TDC.

Step 2: Gather Required Documents

To apply for a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate, you will need the following documents:

  • Copy of your PAN card (Permanent Account Number)
  • Copy of your NRI status proof (passport, visa, etc.)
  • Proof of your income in India (rental agreements, interest statements, etc.)
  • A copy of your tax returns, if applicable
  • Any other documents required by the Income Tax Department

Ensure that you have all these documents in hand before proceeding with the application.

Step 3: Determine the Appropriate Income Tax Assessing Officer

You will need to determine the Income Tax Assessing Officer (AO) who has jurisdiction over your case. This is based on your residential status and the source of your income. You can find this information on the Income Tax Department’s website or by contacting your local Income Tax Office.

Step 4: Prepare Form 13

Form 13, also known as an Application for Lower Tax Deduction Certificate, is the key document for obtaining a TDC. Here’s how to fill out the form:

  1. Fill in your personal details, including your name, address, and PAN number.
  2. Mention the previous year for which you are applying for the certificate.
  3. Provide details of your income in India, such as the nature of income, income amount, and the person responsible for deducting tax (usually the payer).
  4. Specify the section of the Income Tax Act under which you are applying for a lower TDS rate.
  5. Attach the required documents, such as PAN card copy, NRI status proof, and income documents.
  6. Sign and date the form.

Step 5: Submit the Application

Once you have filled out Form 13 and gathered all the necessary documents, you can submit the application to the appropriate Income Tax Assessing Officer. You can either submit it in person or send it by registered mail to the AO’s office.

Step 6: Follow-Up and Verification

After submitting your application, the Income Tax Department will review it. They may reach out to you for any additional information or clarification. It’s essential to cooperate during this phase to ensure a smooth process.

Step 7: Issuance of Lower Tax Deduction Certificate

If your application is approved, the Income Tax Department will issue a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate. This certificate will specify the reduced TDS rate that should be applied to your income in India. Ensure that you receive the certificate within a reasonable time frame.

Step 8: Provide the Certificate to Income Payers

Once you have the Lower Tax Deduction Certificate in hand, you should provide a copy of it to the income payers in India. This ensures that they deduct tax at the reduced rate specified in the certificate.

Step 9: File Income Tax Returns

Even with a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate, you are still required to file your income tax returns in India, if applicable. Make sure to report all your Indian income accurately and pay any remaining taxes, if required.

Step 10: Renewal

Lower Tax Deduction Certificates are typically valid for a specific financial year. You may need to renew your certificate if you continue to receive income from India in subsequent years.


Obtaining a Lower Tax Deduction Certificate is a beneficial step for NRIs to reduce the tax burden on their Indian income. By following these steps and ensuring compliance with Indian tax regulations, NRIs can optimize their tax liabilities and manage their finances more effectively. It’s advisable to seek professional guidance or consult with a tax expert to navigate the application process smoothly and ensure compliance with the latest tax laws and regulations.

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